I previously went to 'Pole Dancing' classes, back in late 2010/early 2011 (the photo is of me back then - I look very different..). But I had to quit going when they raised their prices up, as I couldn't afford it at the time.. I was gutted. With my Christmas money/my wages I purchased myself my own pole to put up in my house! But as I was no longer going to lessons, I ended up completely losing motivation and inspiration and not using it. So it eventually got taken down. I've been dying to go back to classes ever since!
So today was the day.. I borrowed £8 from my Mum (as I'm skint at the moment) and went along. It was held at a local school and it's run by Girls Love Fit. There wasn't as many people as I was expecting, but I think that was because there was a communication error between some people about where it was being held tonight. It was pretty daunting to begin with.. I think that was mainly because I didn't know anybody there. But I soon got comfortable and got into it. After a good warm-up, we learnt the beginning of a routine! The song we did it to was "El Tango de Roxanne" - Moulin Rouge - an unusual but amazing song to dance to! It's very different from the pole dancing class I went to before. The one before mainly focused on the tricks and moves rather than dancing/routines. I do prefer doing the routines though. My favourite move of the routine was the headstand against the pole.
My weekly schedule is due to change drastically as of this Monday (I will let you all know why in a post I am planning to write soon) so I'm worried I won't be able to continue the classes.. But I'm hoping things will work out in my favour and I'll be able to go again each week/most weeks and be able to afford it each time.. Fingers crossed! If I do get to go back I will try and get some photos, if I'm allowed to take them. :)
Pole fitness/dancing is such a fun, unique way of getting fit! Very different from the conventional ways of working out, such as going to the gym or work out DVDs.. It helps tone muscles, improve flexibility and core strength! And it also helps build self confidence. People normally associate pole dancing with strippers wearing next to nothing.. But it's not like that and it's not just for them - why let them have all the fun?! Anybody of any age, weight, height or sex can do it! If any of you get the opportunity to have a go, please take it - you will love it! And if you don't, atleast you can say you gave it a try! :)
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